Vaping devices can look just like nicotine vaping devices, so check the cartridges. Vaping THC doesn’t always make your breath stink in the same way tobacco and grass do, so they don’t have to be quite as sneaky. It may not even have a scent at all, so kids can do it behind their parents’ backs at home and their teachers’ backs in school. You see, dab vapor doesn’t have the skunky smell most marijuana smoke has. Most of the time, their parents don’t have a clue. In addition to no regulatory oversight, here’s what’s worse dabbing has become popular among very young people. High Potency THC Users Are Getting Younger and Younger This product complies with testing requirements. This product was produced without regulatory oversight for health, safety or efficacy. Use of marijuana may impair your ability to drive a car or operate machinery. The write-up on a bag of “Scooby Snacks Shatter” reads: “There may be long term physical or mental health risks from use of marijuana including additional risks for women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding. In a variant like Shatter, that is 65% THC, one gram is actually 650 milligrams of THC!

For example, an edible brownie contains one serving of THC which is 10 milligrams. Depending on potency, one dab is like smoking three to five joints at once.
#Smoking shatter in a joiny crack#
Dab is to marijuana what crack is to cocaine. Dabs aren’t natural they are potent, potentially lethal chemicals. Dabs are more than three times more potent than the strongest marijuana plant. The pot industry has created countless ways to get THC into the body through any opening.ĭoctor, what you really need to know is this - even today’s more potent marijuana plants contain 28% THC 2 or higher (with one grower boasting over 40%), while the weed hipsters rolled in the ’70s and ’80s was 2–5% THC. Other Products (THC-Infused Soda, Tampons, Suppositories, Toothpicks, etc.)

Dabbing isn’t the only way high-potency marijuana is delivered. And its levels of THC aren’t regulated or restricted. Dabbing carries a lot more risk for mental illness and addiction than smoking. Many advocates, usually in states like Colorado and Nevada where recreational marijuana use is legal, defend dabbing as no worse than smoking pot. Dabs are typically heated on a hot surface with the vapors inhaled through a dab rig or dab pen.ĭabs are usually called by their consistency, such as shatter, wax, budder, crumble, live resin, or pull ’n snap ( Figure 1). Dabs are a chemical, not a plant, and they are highly potent, containing up to 99% THC. These can be additionally processed into distillates, which are more pure THC oils and extracts. The result is a sticky, bronze-colored oily substance that looks like beeswax or earwax. The concentrated THC solution is filtered to remove most of the solvent and dried in a tray. The THC leaves the plant material and dissolves into the solvent. Here’s how dabs are made: Cannabis flowers are run through a solvent such as butane, ethanol, or propane. Have you ever heard of dabbing? No, not the hip-hop dance! “Dabs” are extracted concentrates of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, the chemical (cannabinoid) in marijuana that makes users “high.” The 2019 HKCS reported 10.2% of high school students use dabs, and of those who admit to using marijuana, 52% report dabbing-a nearly 70% increase in only two years. Let me tell you about my deceased son Johnny and the marijuana caused morass that the Centennial State is becoming. I thank your medical journal Missouri Medicine for this unique opportunity to address physicians directly. As physicians and as parents, you must not let this happen.

Marijuana, whether obtained with a medical marijuana card or purchased for recreational use, could kill you, your child, your patients, and it will lay waste to the health of Missouri. Today’s marijuana, very high in THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol, the euphoria producing-addicting substance in cannabis products) is destroying the health and social structure of my state Colorado. Johnny got his own medical marijuana card at 18 years old from an unknown doctor, and he had no medical or mental conditions-he just wanted to get high with his friends. He started using at 14, obtained from a friend’s older 18-year-old brother, who had a medical marijuana card. Marijuana, legal for recreational use in Colorado since 2012, killed my son Johnny Stack at age 19.